16 April 2020


Many countries around the world have ordered lock downs of cities due to the ongoing global pandemic. Many states have issued stay at home orders to their citizens and some of us have been given the opportunity to work from home. It is a difficult time for us as there is a lot of uncertainty about what the future has in store for us. 

However, this lock down/ curfew period has also given us a gift. That gift is “TIME”. It is easy to spend your time these days scrolling through social media mindlessly or wasting a lot of time and mental energy by constantly checking updates of the number of patients worldwide. Therefore, it is important that we make a conscious decision to use this valuable time in a more productive manner. 

Here are my thoughts on how to spend the lock down/curfew period in a more productively and efficiently. 

Give priority to maintaining your physical and mental health. 
Maintaining Your Physical Health- When you are at home it is easier to fall in the habit of stress eating or eating when you are bored or forgetting to exercise because you can’t go to the Gym. Take steps to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Try to be active and move around the house instead of sitting down in front of the computer or television. Eat a well-balanced meal and stick to your regular meal times. Drink plenty of water. If you have to take any medications for any illness take them at the appropriate times as prescribed by your doctor. Follow the guidelines set out by the medical professionals if you are going out to a public place. 

Maintaining Your Mental Health- Stick to a reliable source to gain information about this virus and avoid information overload. Being anxious is not going to help anyone. Take time to relax. Read a book and meditate for at least 10 minutes a day. Focus your mental energy on things you can control and learn to let go of things you cannot. Appreciate and be grateful for all the things you have and for your family’s health. Stop worrying about what you could have done differently in the past and focus on making the most of the present. 

Create a household budget as a family 
Today, many of us are facing a hard time when it comes to our Jobs and our businesses. There is a lot of insecurity about our finances. It is vital that you take decisions about managing your finances as a family. Taking time to create a household budget will help you prioritize your goals and help you to talk through any financial worries. A household budget will help you navigate these times without causing disharmony among family members. It can also help you to cut down any unnecessary costs. This will also provide you a perfect opportunity to teach your children about money management. 

Teach your children essential life skills 
Most schools have been closed and your children are also stuck at home. Although it may be tempting to let them binge watch television all day while you work from home, it is important to maintain a routine for them. Help them to catch up on a subject that they are having trouble with at school. Instead of allowing your children to surf the internet all day teach them how to cook, how to manage their finances, and how to stay organized. These skills will help them to become well-adjusted adults one day. 

Spend quality time with your family 
The best thing about these lock down period is that we have a lot of time to spend it with your loved ones. Make this time count. Have a family game night. Talk to each other and share your worries and frustrations.  Talk to your children and let them know that you are always willing to listen to them and you are there for them. Get in touch with your relations by phone or through social media. Take out the family albums and share stories about past memories. 

I hope that each and every one of us will be able to make the best of our time at home and become closer  as a family