26 September 2018

Minimalist Handbag

I have noticed that  a lot of people who embark on the journey toward a minimalist life tend to follow through with simplifying their lives and continue the practices of minimalism in the long run, if they can see and experience the benefits of a minimalist lifestyle without delay.  They want to celebrate small victories of minimalist life because it  gives them the feeling of accomplishment and motivates them to make more substantial changes in to their lifestyle by adopting minimalist habits. Some become frustrated if they don’t see results fast and tend to give up on simplifying their lives. 

As the first step towards leading a more simple life I would suggest that you starts with downsizing and minimizing the contents of your Handbag and/or Wallet. This is a relatively straightforward and uncomplicated step and, it has no drastic or extreme consequences. In fact, downsizing the contents of the handbag is one of the easiest and the least complicated changes a beginner minimalist can make. 
-Find a good quality, sturdy handbag in a neutral colour and in a style which matches all or most of your outfits. Make sure that the bag itself is lightweight and does not have a ton of accessories which adds more weight to it. Opt for a simple functional design. The hand bag doesn’t have to be expensive or be a name brand product, but make sure that it is comfortable, that it will suit your everyday lifestyle and that you will actually enjoy using that bag. 
-If you have the tendency to carry basically everything you own in a large tote bag, at the expense of your health and posture, buy a smaller handbag. So that you will have no choice but to downsize and carry only what you need. 
-Take everything out of your handbag and evaluate each item. Consider whether those items really need to be in your bag. Make sure to go through your handbag daily and empty out the trash. Then designate a specific spot for each item inside your bag. If your bag does not have internal pockets to store items consider buying a bag organizer or using zippered pouches to separate and organize items inside your bag. 
-Identify the essential items you NEED to carry on a daily basis. This may vary from person to person. These essential items in my case include, Cash, Debit/ Credit cards, Phone, ID/ Driver’s License, Keys, Medication and a Water bottle. Try to use multipurpose items such as a phone case which doubles as a cardholder . 
-De-clutter your wallet every day. This will not take up more than a few minutes of your time but the results you see will be significant. Make it a point to go through your wallet, and, empty out anything is not an essential item. Take out all your receipts, and, store-cards you hardly use. If you use coupons, use an app on your phone to scan coupon codes. Take out any coins you have and put it in a coin jar daily. Get into the habit of daily cleaning out and organizing your wallet. 
-If you are just going out of your house for a short time or just to run errands consider taking only your wallet, phone and keys. 
-Feel free to leave the “just in case” items (pens, hair ties, beauty products, packets of tissues) you carry in your handbag at home. You will probably not need them anyway. If it makes you feel better, and, just for the sake of peace of mind, get a small box or pouch and keep those the “just in case” items in your office desk/locker or in your car. 

-Be realistic about the number of electronic items you need to carry on a daily basis. Ask yourself is it really necessary to carry a laptop, a tablet, and a smart phone, and, all the chargers and data cables that goes with them. Carry only what is absolutely necessary.  

Minimizing the items you carry in your daily handbag will not only help you to prevent neck and back problems in the future, it will also help you be more organized, save time and energy. It is also a habit that is simple to maintain in the long run. Also, you will also have the added bonus of not missing an important phone call again because you simply can’t find where you put your phone inside the handbag or, be standing outside your house or car rummaging through your purse looking for the keys.