09 February 2019


It is no secret that as we become adults we are expected to know certain skills. These skills help teenagers and young adults  to learn and adapt to various situations in life throws at them without  having to seek help from their parents or their friends. Further, these skills help them to become more functional, self-reliant, confident and productive adults, enabling them to manage their own affairs without difficulty or being a burden to someone else. Learning these skills is not gender exclusive and must be taught to both boys and girls.

Some of these valuable skills are :-

1. Cooking

All teenagers must learn the basic skills to prepare a home cooked meal. It is not necessary for them to  master  complicated recipes with lots of  unfamiliar ingredients but, they must be capable of making a few basic meals on their own. It is important that this skill is taught to all teenagers by their parents, especially to those who will be moving out on their own soon. Learning to cook basic meals instead of ordering take out meals or using microwave to cook ready-made meals will help teens and young adults to eat a more nutritious balanced diet, reduce their intake of fat, sugar and sodium. It will help them maintain a healthy lifestyle when they are living away from home. 

2. Money Management

The importance of educating teenagers and young adults in money management cannot be stressed enough. These money lessons mastered in their youth will help them to become financially savvy adults in the future. It is important that young adults  have a clear understanding about budgeting, savings and investments. Encourage them to live below their means and to use credit cards responsibly. They must learn the importance of paying their bills on time and managing their cash flow. It is vital that they are taught the difference between needs and wants. These lessons on personal  finance will be greatly useful  to prepare the  young adults for various obstacles they may face when they are working their first job making entry level salaries.  It will also help them to avoid consumer debt and give them a better chance of being financially independent. Encourage teenagers to get a part-time job so that they develop a good work ethic and learn how to balance school and work.  

My earlier post 11 SIMPLE TIPS ON MONEY MANAGEMENT will provide some basic tips of being more financially savvy. 

3. Housekeeping and Organization
Learning how to cook, clean, how to do basic household maintenance and how to do laundry are also valuable skills that all teenagers will benefit from learning. Teach them to develop a routine for cleaning the house and for doing laundry. Teach them to come up with an organization system that works for them and also teach them how to live with less possessions. Start with teaching them  to organize  their room and study material and gradually teach them to how to efficiently run a household on their own.

4. Time Management

This is an  important skill for a young adult that will greatly benefit their future. It is good  to start teaching time management when they first start school. Teach them to use a planner and organize their day. Teach them how to prioritize their homework and the importance of submitting tests and assignments on time. It is important that they learn to assign time for homework, household chores, extra-curricular activities and for fun. If teenagers can get a part-time  job after school or during their vacations which will further help them to learn how to manage their time is a productive and efficient manner. 

5. Personal Safety
Teaching young adults  how to be safe and take care of themselves in an emergency will greatly benefit them. This will also give their parents peace of mind about their child's safety. A few safety tips to remember are 
-Be aware of  your surroundings 
-Use caution when using social media
-Don't Drink and Drive.
-Keep all doors and windows of your house locked.
-Don't hide spare keys under doormats, give the spare key to a trusty neighbour or to a relative who lives close by. 
-Keep your car locked all the time.
-If you are at a party/club don't leave your drink unattended, don't accept any drinks from strangers and never leave any of your friends alone anywhere if they are drunk. Be responsible and take care of each other. 
-Safeguard your cash, credit cards and online account passwords.
-Learn to contact  emergency services if the need arises.

The above list  contains just 5 skills  that a teenager or a young adult must learn before they move out in to the world and this list is by no means exhaustive These skills will enable them to face the realities of adulthood and their parents can be a little at ease knowing that they have raised a young adult who can take care of themselves.