24 November 2018


All of us look for ways to improve our lives everyday. The reasons for this may vary from wanting to advance in our careers or  to be a better parent, spouse or friend or simply to live a life that makes us feel better about ourselves. 

I have listed below a few practices that can help you to improve your life and help you lead a more balanced and productive life. Many of these practices are simple and uncomplicated, and can be adopted in to your daily lives without any difficulty.

1. Eat healthy, Meditate and Exercise 

I list this as the first point as your health and mental well-being is the most important aspect when it comes to improving your quality of life. Your health must be the number one priority. You cannot enjoy your life to the fullest if you don't have a healthy lifestyle. Also if you are constantly stressed or anxious and you can’t focus on the task at hand, you will suffer both in your personal and professional lives. It will  also negatively affect your family members as well. (as they say put the oxygen mask on yourself before you try to help others). Therefore, eating a healthy diet, meditating to increase your focus and to reduce anxiety or stress and exercising to keep your body fit must become one of  the most important tasks in your life. 

2. Be Positive 
Being positive not only helps you to see the solution in every problem, but being an optimist has proven health benefits such as reducing blood pressure, depression and anxiety. Positive Thoughts will attract Positive Outcomes in to your life. Studies have shown Optimists tend to live longer than their negative counterparts, suffer less from chronic illnesses, make more friends and have better and successful relationships. A few ways that you can be more positive are,

- Keep a gratitude journal
- Surround yourself with positive people
-Identify and stop negative self-talk

3. Live in the moment –Be present 

I feel that  with the constant ability, and need to be connected and/or validated by social media and so called “friends” has a drastic impact on personal relationships and the ability to focus on one thing at a time. Turn off your phone when you are at dinner with a friend or your spouse, Give your full attention to the person in front of you,  Enjoy the moment, Read a book in peace, look at the rainbow in the sky, look at the hummingbirds and enjoy your delicious and expensive coffee without scrolling through social media.

4. Be efficient and productive 
It is important to work well in an organized and productive manner. Incorporate ways of increasing your productivity without spending hours on a task that can be completed in 10 minutes if it done is in an effective manner. Learning to work smarter will help you advance in your career, and it will also give you some free time to focus on new and exciting projects or a new venture in your life. 

5. Focus only on what you can control and Stop worrying
Most things that happen in our lives are beyond our control. Worrying about them is simply a futile endeavor and a waste of time. It is better to focus on what you can control and use that time for something more functional, practical and constructive. It is also important to stop worrying about the outcome. Once you have done anything to the best of your ability, whether it is an exam, an interview or a business venture. Stop worrying about the result. 

6. Hard work is more important than good luck 
This is one of the most important things  my parents taught me. They did it, not by preaching about hard work, but by setting a strong example. I am lucky to see firsthand that Hand Work is the way to achieve success in life. You can overcome any hardship as long as you are willing to put in the work to deal with your troubles. This ideal must be instilled in all children from a young age, and they will benefit from it throughout their lives. Work hard so that even if  you fail you know in your heart that  you have done the best you can.  

11 November 2018


Being financially independent is important for women for various reasons. These reasons include coping with rising cost of living, being prepared for emergencies and being able to support herself and/or her children if the need arises. Empowering women to achieve financial freedom will benefit the national economy and promote gender equality within the society. I have listed several reasons why women should strive to achieve financial independence in my previous post.

In this post I wish to write about a few ways that women can become financially independent and self-reliant, regardless of their age or occupation or whether they are married, single or have children. This list provides a few basic ideas on how a woman can be empowered to take managing her finances to her own hands and stop relying on another person especially her parents or her husband, for income or managing money. 

Have a Job or a source of monthly income
I believe that every woman must be in a position to earn a monthly income. This could be in the form of a traditional 9 to 5 job in a company or working as a part-time employee or being a freelance worker or being self employed or being an entrepreneur. The internet has provided many opportunities for women entrepreneurs in our generation to launch successful businesses and earn a substantial income to support their families. Some of these online income streams include blogging, being a virtual assistant, being freelance writers, and online teachers.It could also be the income you receive in the form of bank interest or dividends or rental income from your investment properties. There are also opportunities to start a home based business such as selling baked goods or food parcels, selling flower and vegetable plants, being a seamstress, babysitting, tutoring and teaching music or dancing. Most of these jobs do not have the restrictions of traditional jobs and can be done in the comfort of your own home. These jobs provide the opportunity for women choose an opportunity suitable for their lifestyle and earn a monthly income to support her family. Sometimes the income that you earn may not be a significant amount. However, even a small monthly income can become a huge advantage when you are facing a financial emergency. 

Get a clear picture of your current financial situation 

It is important that you have a clear understanding of your current financial situation or a financial snapshot. It is paramount that you know your outstanding debt liabilities, taxes, and what assets are in your name. It will help you to understand your current situation and help you to decide on a course of action, to set and achieve future financial goals. Organize your bills, tax documents and all other financial related documents so that it is easy to analyze your financial situation on a monthly or bi-annually basis. Set goals to achieve certain financial achievements and work towards it. 

Create a budget, save and invest 

Having a budget will help you to get a clear picture of how much you are earning every month and what your monthly expenses are. Find a budgeting system that works for you. A budget will also help you to cut out any unnecessary expenses and save money. Always spend less than you earn. It is imperative that you save money on a monthly basis even what you can save initially is a very small amount. Invest in assets that will generate a monthly income. Find investments that suit your lifestyle and your own financial situation. Create passive income streams to provide you with an income even if you are unable to work. Plan and invest for retirement from a young age. Be involved in your family's financial and investment decision making process. Don’t let someone else make all the financial decisions and just hope for the best.  

Educate yourself 
The phrase “Knowledge is Power” has significant weight in the context of money management. It is a well known fact that many of the successful entrepreneurs make it a habit to read and educate themselves on a daily basis. If you are serious about achieving financial freedom and independence as a woman, it is essential that you take time and make an effort to educate yourself on money management, saving and various streams of investments. This will not only help you to manage your money independently, but also help you to understand the risks involved in different investments and make better investment decisions. Make it a habit to educate yourself on tax liabilities as well as benefits that you are entitled to under the Law. Find out if your city provides any form of tax benefits, subsidies, workshops or networking opportunities for women-owned businesses and use that information to develop your business. 

Pay off Debt 
It becomes virtually impossible to become financially independent if you are in debt as the debt payments will eat up a large chunk of your monthly income. Evaluate the amount of debt that you currently have and device a plan to pay the debt off as soon as possible. Make sure that you understand the liabilities involved if you are co-signing a mortgage or a vehicle lease. Take steps to properly manage your money and not to amass any high interest consumer debt such as credit card debt. 

Safeguard yourself and your money 
Make a plan to prepare for unfortunate contingencies such as disability and death in the family. Although it may be a morbid topic to discuss have a plan as to how you are going to provide some form of financial security to your dependents (especially if they are minors) in your absence. Prepare a last will and appoint nominees for your bank accounts if you feel it is necessary to do so. Get an insurance cover (if necessary) to provide for grave illnesses or major surgeries. 

It is vital that all women make it a goal to become financially independent and become empowered to work towards advancing their financial position within their family.

03 November 2018

Why Every Woman should strive to achieve Financial Independence

Financial Independence is a broad term which can be generally described as being able to support yourself financially and the ability to earn enough money to cover your monthly expenses without having to depend on another person. For a woman being financially independent generally means that;

(a) you have a job or you are self employed or you have a source of income; which means that you get a monthly salary or earn a profit from your business or you have income generating investments.

(b) you are knowledgeable about personal finance and money management; which means you know how to budget, save and invest money. 

(c) your finances are not dependent on another persons salary or capacity to earn. 

(d) you are in control of managing your own finances; which means you have the discretion to decide how much you spend, how much you save and how you invest. Those decisions are  not made under the direction or authority of another person.

Why should women be financially independent? 

1. To off set the Cost of Living

It is clear that in today’s day and age it is becoming increasingly difficult for a single person with one income to support an entire family, no matter how frugal you are. It is also  unfair and unreasonable, in today's economic context, to expect one person to undertake the entire responsibility of supporting the family.  Having a secondary income will help take the financial stress off the primary breadwinner and it will reduce any conflict as between you and your spouse when it comes to money. Therefore, it is important for women to earn an income to be independent and to support her family. 

2. To prepare for an emergency 

If your family is relying on one income, you might be put in a precarious position if the primary breadwinner has some medical emergency or looses his job. To have a secondary source of income at such a time, will be a blessing. It will help you to pay for the basic necessities and keep a roof above your head. It will reduce the stress relating to financial matters and give you peace of mind knowing that you are able to look after your family’s needs. 

3. To look after your parents and pay for kids expenses 

Women who are financially independent can easily look after any emergency medical and other needs of your elderly parents without being a burden or putting any strain on the family’s finances or having to ask for permission from their spouse. You can spend for your children’s expenses without having to constantly ask your spouse for money. 

4.To be your own knight in shining armor 

Being able to earn a living, to manage your money, to save and to invest on your own, will help you to advance in your career and in life. You will not be treated as a dependent and you will not have to rely on your husband or your parents for money. It is important that women know and understand that they are capable of managing their own finances and they take the opportunity educate themselves about personal finance. 

5.To be able to set and achieve future financial goals 

When there are two incomes in a family, you will able to save for retirement faster, save for a down payment for a house, pay off the mortgages faster,  save an emergency fund and increase the chances of getting approval for home loans. Both of you can work towards common financial goals for your future and to secure financial stability for yourselves and your children. 

6. To have your own spending money 

7. To gain self confidence 

8. To pay for higher education for yourself and your kids.

9. To have the freedom and the ability to make life decisions on your own terms 

Being financially independent will help you to make decisions for yourself without being influenced and controlled by anther. When you are financially independent you can take up a new job, change careers or launch your own business. You have the freedom to take a risk. You are not dependent on another person to take care of you (and your children) financially. You are only accountable to yourself on how you save and invest your money. 

10. To have a clear knowledge of the family's financial situation.
It is important for a woman to have a clear knowledge of financial assets and liabilities of her family. This includes knowing the amount of debts such as mortgages and vehicle leases, what assets are in her name, and  the various tax liabilities. It is important that she knows the bills which have to be paid in a monthly basis and online bill payment passwords. Therefore, in an emergency she is able to pay any bill without having the aid of her husband.
11. You have ability and the option of moving on 

Sadly, not all marriages and relationships work out. The situation will become much worse if such breakups involve emotional abuse  or domestic violence and  the abusive partner has complete control of the family's finances. If you have stable income you are capable of removing yourself from an abusive relationship or marriage. You can think of your safety and the safety of your children and take a decision to move out to a different place. If the woman has no source of income to support herself and her children, she might have no other choice than to stay in the abusive relationship. If you are  financially stable you can take yourself (and your children, if you have any) out of that abusive situation since you are not dependent on your spouse’s income. 

Therefore, it is very important that women become financially independent regardless of their age, their marital status or their occupation.

21 October 2018

Minimalism and Pets

minimalism and pets

Minimalist lifestyle involves getting rid of all unnecessary material possessions from your home.  So is keeping a pet something that is in line with the ideal minimalist lifestyle ? one might ask.
Well, the Short Answer is  YES 

For the long Answer please keep reading.  
If someone suggests to me that I must get rid of, or re-home my dogs to 'fully embrace the minimalist lifestyle' I can pretty much guarantee that  I'll probably never speak to that person again.
It is not only because I love my pets, but because I feel that pets become a part of the family the moment they walk into our lives. (I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels this way).
Adopting minimalism as a lifestyle is not limited to merely getting rid of all possessions. It encompasses much more than simply decluttering your surroundings. 
The reason why people think  that minimalist cannot have a pet with their lifestyle is that having a pet requires you to spend  your time, your energy and your money on them.   
Minimalism requires you to only keeping what is essential, what adds value to your life and what brings you joy.
Well  does a pet fit in to this definition of a ideal  minimalist lifestyle? one might ask.
To put it simply a pet, be it a dog, a cat or a bird  adds value to your life and brings you joy, therefore it becomes quite clear that it is not only possible but probable that someone embracing minimalist practices will hold on to their pets. 

-A pet is clearly different from "material possessions". A pet is a live being, it has it's own unique personality and pets are very attached to their owners (or the more likely scenario is that the  owners are very attached to their pets). 
- Having a pet has shown to have many health benefits such as reducing blood pressure, and even helping to cope with depression and anxiety.
-Having a pet helps you to battle loneliness and makes you more responsible as you have the duty of  taking care of the pet.
-Having a pet will help teach children responsibility
-Pets help you become more selfless
-A pet does not suddenly appear in your life. It is more likely that you made a conscious decision to buy or adopt a pet and make him a part of your life.
- A pet will help you reduce your stress. 
-A pet (especially a dog) will motivate you to become more  active because you must take it for daily walks and this will encourage you to socialize with other dog owners too. 
-Dogs are good for protection and they are extremely loyal
-A pet (especially a dog) will teach you what is most important in your life. For your dog it values nothing more important than spending time playing with you and seeking your attention. It values you as a person and is not bothered by your wealth or social status
-Pets teach you to be content with life. Give a cat a cardboard box and watch as it will play for hours with it. Pets are happy if they have food and water, a place to sleep and an owner who gives them a bit of love and attention.
Therefore, having a pet definitely has more benefits than drawbacks .

That being said you can incorporate a routines when it comes to bringing up a pet,  such as 
-Have a schedule for your pets such as having specific times for feeding, exercise and bathing them.
-Limit the number of pet  toys as pets prefer to play with their owners rather than their toys.
-Focus on feeding your pets a balanced diet, grooming them properly and getting them enough exercise. This will help you have a healthy pet and prevent illnesses. 
-Give necessary any vaccinations and medications according to the direction of your vet.
-Have some money saved up specifically for your pets for any unexpected illnesses and visits to the vet. 
- It is of utmost importance that You and your family  make a conscious and well thought out decision together, to bring a pet into your life. Unless you are ready to fully commit them and make them a part of your family, for at least  the next 10 to15  years or have the financial and physical means to support them, don't get a pet. 

Therefore, I would say having a pet is fairly  in line with the minimalist mindset and It is a intentional choice that we make to bring a pet in to our homes and make it a part of our family.

So does a Pet fit into the definition of an ideal  minimalist lifestyle? The Answer is definitely  "YES" 

08 September 2018



The subject  of 'Financial Management' is not typically taught schools. It is difficult to approach this subject even with your family or closest friends. It appears that there is some taboo surrounding the subject of personal finance. Most of the time we, as adults, are left to our own devices to figure out how “Money” works. Because of this  a large number of  young adults, live with little to no savings and are burdened with consumer debts or student loans. They find it difficult to understand the basic financial principles. Sadly, this problem affects adults who have established careers as well as retirees. 

I cannot stress the utmost importance of understanding and gaining knowledge on the fundamental principles of money management, regardless of your age, gender, job or social standing. It is a basic life skill that everyone must strive to learn. 

You and you alone can change your financial situation.  With few intentional lifestyle changes and hard work, it is possible for anyone to attain a comfortable degree of financial stability regardless of what your financial situation looks like today. 

It is important to stress that you consult a qualified financial professional and do all necessary research before you invest in any financial product. It is crucial that you  must exercise due diligence and understand  the risks involved when it comes to finances.

Listed below are a few simple but  useful tips on Money Management that can be incorporated in to your daily life. 

1. Make a conscious and intentional decision to take control of your financial life
You must take  an intentional decision to gain knowledge about money management, saving, and investing. Educate yourself on  basic financial principles, savings, taxes, and investing. Stop telling yourself that you are not good with money or that you don't understand how 'money' works. Like everything else in life you must learn how to manage your money. Be responsible and make an intentional choice to gain control of your finances.

2. Create a budget 
Always know how much you are earning  and how much you are spending. Identify all your income sources, such as take home-salary, bank interest and any other income that you receive on a monthly basis.

Track your monthly spending. Take in to account expenses you pay on a yearly, or on a by-annual basis (eg- Insurance, Vehicle Revenue Licenses, Property taxes) and calculate the monthly cost of those expenses. Try to be accurate and honest. When you have a clear picture of your financial situation, you can start to take appropriate decisions and actions to improve your financial situation. 

If your monthly income is higher than your monthly expenses, it is a good sign that you already have a good sense of money management.
However, if your expenses are higher than your monthly income, you need to start thinking about making some serious changes, either by cutting down on your expenses or by finding an additional job or side hustle to increase your income. 
Basic steps to create a budget

3. Create a Bill Payment Calendar
Take your daily planner or calendar or a separate notebook and, write down all your bills and their due dates. Make it a habit to pay your bills on time and avoid late fees. Check your monthly bills carefully to see if there are any errors, or if you are being overcharged on something. Immediately, inform the utility company of the said error to ensure that it is resolved promptly. 

4. Identify and take control of your bad spending habits.
Identify the types of non-essential purchases (handbags, shoes, beauty products, electronics, notebooks etc.) that is making a serious dent in your income. Learn what triggers you to buy these items. (eg:- when you are feeling stressed or when you feel sad)  If you already have a stockpile of these items at home STOP buying them completely. Either, use them all up or minimize your collection. Donate the additional items to some needy cause. Self impose spending freeze for such unnecessary items for 3 to 6 months. Once the remaining supplies run out allocate a fixed amount of money to purchase those items per month. Exercise self-control. Learn to say “I can’t afford this and/or I don’t need this” and walk away from the shop.

5. Automate Savings
If you are an employee who gets his or her  monthly salary directly deposited into your checking account set up an automatic transfer of a fixed amount  of your salary to a separate savings account. If you have created a Monthly Budget you can determine, how much money should be automatically transferred to a different account. It doesn't matter how much you save at first as long as you start and continue to save. Establish a habit of saving money each month. 

6. Save a 'Mini-Emergency Fund', and, a Proper 'Six Month' Emergency fund 
A mini emergency fund can be additional sum of money that you leave in your checking account. Depending on your financial situation this amount could vary. It can be a weeks’ worth of your expenses, or if you are frugal, prudent, and financially savvy, you can have an entire months worth of expenses stashed away in your checking account. The purpose of a mini-emergency fund is to accumulate a small safety net to pay for any unexpected bills, fines or increases in utility charges. The main goal of such a mini emergency fund is to prevent being charged hefty overdraft fees. 

Your Proper Emergency Fund should ideally have at least 6 months of expenses saved in it. (more money you have in the said fund the better). It is better to save the emergency fund in an easily accessible account. Save your Emergency Fund in an account where you can get some interest. This fund can be used in the case of  actual emergencies such as, job loss, repairs to the home or vehicle or unexpected medical expenses. Never use this Emergency Fund to pay for unnecessary impulse purchases. 

7. Try to build up multiple streams of income, passive income opportunities and side hustles to boost your income. 

8. Save for your retirement 
Set clear and specific goals as to when you want to retire and how much money you need for retirement. Start saving and investing for retirement when you are young and if it is possible start with your very first salary. Choose appropriate and wise investments for retirement that fit your individual needs. Educate yourself about your tax liabilities on your retirement savings.
9. Never save money at the expense of your health
Never skip buying medicines, or skip doctor’s appointments or check-ups. Don’t be so overwhelmed with work and stress that you neglect your physical health and mental well-being. There is no point of accumulating wealth if you are too sick to enjoy its’ benefits. Take a break and reset your mind and body. Learn to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

10. Use credit cards responsibly
First, think long and hard before getting a credit card. Merely because you are eligible to get a credit card does not mean that you are financially responsible enough to own one. I admit, that the whole idea of owning a credit card is really enticing and makes you feel like a “real grown up”. 
Understand your credit card policy. Read the fine print before you sign the contract. If you have a tendency to spend impulsively or have the habit of forgetting to pay your bills on time, use just one credit card and keep track of every purchase you put on that card diligently (or just don't get a credit card until you become financially responsible). Be mindful and intentional about your purchases and ask yourself ‘Do I really need this?’ and ‘Can I afford this?. Learn your credit card’s resettlement policy and repayment period, and make sure that you  pay the credit card bill in full each month. Never carry a balance on your credit card because then you will have to pay a hefty sum as interest. Never use credit cards to pay for emergencies. (that's what the Emergency fund is for). If you use credit cards responsibly, you can gain certain benefits like cash back offers or loyalty points and help you build your credit score. But if you are not diligent about using credit cards, you will end up owing a  massive amount of debt. 

11. Learn to live a more minimalist and intentional life.
When you learn to adopt practices of minimalism in to your life, managing your money will get easier over time. It will help you not to spend on frivolous items that adds no value to your life. You will learn to use, appreciate and take care of your belongings. A minimalist lifestyle also helps you to learn that you don't need massive quantities of material possessions or money to live a happy, meaningful and fulfilled life.

I hope at least one person who reads this article will be inspired to lead a more intentional and financially responsible life.

Disclaimer - It is important to note that the above tips are my personal views and opinions on money management. These tips should not be considered as  professional financial or legal advice. This information is  general in nature, may not be suitable to your individual, financial or legal situation. Always consult a competent and qualified Financial Professionals and a Legal Professional before you chose any investment, and, do all  necessary research and understand the risks involved  before you purchase any financial product.

27 August 2018


In this post I have listed 17 ways to simplify your daily life. Adopting at least a few of these simple habits in to your daily routine, and in to your family’s busy schedule will help you to achieve your daily tasks in a more efficient and productive manner, and help you to achieve some form of ‘Work/Life’ Balance. 

1. WAKE UP EARLY – Set your alarm at least 20 to 30 minutes earlier than you would set your usual daily alarm. This will give you a head start on the day before the other family members wake up for the busy morning rush. 

2. MAKE YOUR BED IN THE MORNING – This will help you feel more organized, and productive. It also sets the tone to start the day on a positive outlook along with a can-do attitude. 

3. MAKE A LIST OF FIVE IMPORTANT TIME SENSITIVE TASKS - Keep a notepad and a pen on the bedside table. Quickly jot down five tasks which require urgent attention, tasks which must be attended to and completed by the end of the day. Don’t include mundane everyday chores such as do the laundry or clean the kitchen or pick up the mail. Focus only on urgent family/ work /business related matters. Be clear and precise about what you need to achieve and when these tasks must to be completed.

4. TAKE 10 MINUTES IN THE MORNING TO PRACTICE SELF-CARE – Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up. Do some breathing exercises, or meditation, or Yoga or simply pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee, sit down and enjoy it. It will do wonders to your physical and mental health. 

5. PICK OUT AN OUTFIT TO WEAR TO WORK THE NIGHT BEFORE- This habit will save you so much of time in the morning. Create a capsule wardrobe, to mix and match a variety of different and versatile outfits with a few items of clothing. Stick to comfortable, simple, functional clothes and accessories. While you are at it, pack your work bag the night before too.


7. USE A PLANNER TO ORGANIZE YOUR DAY- Use a planner to efficiently and effectively break up complicated work or home projects into manageable individual tasks. Learn to prioritize these tasks by importance and due dates. A planner will help you to increase your productivity. Using a Planner will give you the ability to work smarter and not harder. Keep your planner set up minimal and simplistic. A minimalist planner set up will help you maintain it throughout the whole year. 

Keep your planner supplies minimal, and buy only what you need to organize your day more efficiently. Buy decorative planner supplies only if they add value or bring joy to your life and you enjoy expressing your creativity through using such decorative supplies. If you prefer to use an electronic version for organizing try using the calendar app on your phone or online planner. It really does not matter what type of Planner you use, as long as it is functional and suits your lifestyle. 

8.SIMPLIFY THE COOKING AND MEAL PREP PROCESS- Find recipes with a few simple and easily available ingredients, which are simple to prepare. Rotate those recipes throughout the week. Try to substitute different vegetables and fruits in your standard recipes to create different meals. Prepare make ahead breakfast recipes and smoothies for a filling meal during the morning rush. Prepare double the quantity of some family favorite meals and freeze the extra portion for nights you just don’t have time to cook. Teach your older children, especially if they are Teenagers, how to prepare simple meals and snacks (but make sure they are supervised by an Adult at all times when they are in the kitchen). Give the older kids the responsibility of packing his/her lunch. Also, don’t feel bad if you serve the same meal, twice for dinner during same week. Your children will survive just fine on the nutritious food you cook, and, they will be grateful that their parents have the time to cook, a home cooked meal from scratch, with their busy work schedules. 




It helps you to clean up faster, and, if some item does not add value to your current lifestyle, donate or recycle that item. Adopt a minimalist approach when it comes to decorations and furniture. Avoid bringing unnecessary items into your home in the first place. 

12. LEARN TO DELEGATE SOME HOUSEHOLD CHORES AMONG THE FAMILY MEMBERS- Each family member must take responsibility for performing household tasks. Teenagers and older kids can be given the task of keeping their rooms clean and organized. They can also be held responsible for simple tasks such as setting the table for dinner, help cleaning the dishes and cleaning the house. Younger kids can be taught to pick up their toys and books at the end of the day, and, put them in their designated spots. Teaching children to perform simple household tasks, and teaching them to be organized, will help them to learn essential life skills for future. 

13. TEACH SCHOOL CHILDREN TO BE ORGANIZED AND HOW TO USE A PLANNER- Children who are in school must be taught to use a planner, to enter exams, school tests, and, assignments due dates as soon as they are handed out by the teachers. Children must be taught to schedule time for studying, completing assignments, extra-curricular activities, and playing. Parents must provide a quiet and distraction-free place, for school children to do their homework, assignments, and, to study for tests. The children must also be given the responsibility to keep their study area clean and organized. These habits will help your children to become more responsible and productive when they are older.

14. DO ONE THING THAT HELPS YOU FEEL CALM AND CENTERED DAILY –Be it meditating or praying, or gardening or reading a book, or listening to an audio book or some classical music, make it a part of your daily routine. It will help you reduce any anxiety or stress in your life. 

15. SPEND TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY- taking at least 15 minutes a day to sit down together and talk with all your family members, without any distractions from phones, emails or social media, will greatly improve your quality of life. It will give the opportunity for the family members to talk about any problems that they are facing, and, find a solution or ask for advice from other family members. 

16. PRACTICE GRATITUDE - At the end of the day take a few minute to be thankful for your job, your spouse, your parents, your children, the health of your family members, and any other blessings that came in to your life that day. If you are the type of person who likes to write in a journal, I suggest that you keep a Gratitude Journal, and, read it anytime you are feeling unhappy/unlucky/overwhelmed. 

17. FOCUS ON ONE THING AT A TIME- I personally, feel that the concept multitasking is overrated and most of the time ineffective. There have been many studies that show employees and students, tend to be more focused, efficient and productive when they focus on a single task. This increases their performance level and reduces the chances of making mistakes. Focusing all your attention on a single task at a time, will not only make your life more simpler, but it will increase your productivity, and, give the opportunity to get more done during the day. 

"Life is simple, don't complicate it by overthinking"

21 August 2018


The origins of the  word "Minimalism" can be traced back to  a Post World War II era  cultural movement which influenced art, music and architecture. 

Minimalism in the modern society influences many aspects of life including fashion, construction, gardening, interior design, food, jewelry and weddings. "Minimalism" now captivates and illustrates  the concept of "LESS IS MORE' in a comprehensive sense. 

Minimalism has evolved into a Lifestyle which allows people to distance themselves from material possessions and surround themselves with minimal possessions that add value and bring joy into their lives.

Those who adopt minimalism tend to spend their money gaining once in a lifetime experiences rather than buying material goods.

Listed below are a few benefits that a "minimalist lifestyle" has to offer:-

When a person adopts a 'minimalist lifestyle', being intentional about what you purchase and what you choose to bring into your life becomes second nature to them. The followers of the 'minimalist lifestyle' question the necessity and the actual value  of the  goods  which they intend to  purchase.
- Do I really need this?
- Is it worth the price I'm paying for it ?
-Does it add value or joy to my current lifestyle?
-Am I just buying this because I'm sad/ angry/ bored?

Making conscious and intentional decisions about what you buy, whether it is a bar of soap or an expensive TV and taking a few moments to remove yourself from the consumer mindset and think about your purchase will,
(a) prevent you from buying, and accumulating unnecessary junk
(b) prevent impulse purchases
(c) it will help you save your HARD EARNED CASH. 
Minimalism also advocates  buying  items which are versatile and of high quality, which will last you for a long time.

Clutter can be defined as 'an untidy collection of things which have no specific use'. A cluttered home can be a constant source of stress and hostility among Couples, especially if both of them are working parents. Since the storage space available a modern home is highly limited, it is wise to get rid of any material items that do not serve a purpose. 
Although getting rid of clutter completely seems like an impossible task, it is possible to reduce the clutter by implementing certain guidelines.
-Follow the one in-one out rule 
-Digitize kids artwork and photo albums. 
-Enforce one bin or basket Rule for children's toys- once their respective bin or basket is full of toys, the child must be given the responsibility to pick out the toys which they no longer play with, and teach them to  pass them along to another child. This practice will instill qualities, such as generosity and sharing in children from a very young age. Further, the children will also learn to value and take care of their belongings. 
-During holidays and special occasions, request Family and  close friends to spend time with you and share experiences together, instead of  buying material gifts. Tell them that you value their time, advise and the special memories more than any material gift . 
-Donate, re-purpose, and, recycle goods that you do not use. 


The amount of time you spend daily taking care of your material possessions  will most certainly surprise you. Be it dusting, cleaning, repairing or sweeping, the constant navigating around possessions eats away your precious  time. By adopting minimalist practices in to your daily life, it will allow you to utilize that time for something more meaningful, such as,  

-spend time with your family, 
-less material goods means less time spent cleaning and organizing. 
-spend time on something that you enjoy- perhaps read that book you bought last year which has been gathering dust on the bookshelf, play a board game with your children, spend time on your long forgotten hobbies (stamp collection/ coin collection), take a walk around the neighbourhood. 
-Exercise- even if it is for 15 minutes. 
-take a few moments to sit down in a quiet place and relax. Enjoy a cup of tea/coffee, without having to worry about the next chore in your to-do list. 
-play with your pet. 

Some studies state  that we are using 30% more natural resources than what is sustainable for our planet. It has been stated  that in the near future we will require the resources of Two Planets to sustain  human life on earth.
Although minimalism may not be the complete  solution to prevent the massive destruction of the environment and to reduce overuse of non-renewable natural resources, it has started a dialog about the importance of sustainable living and protecting natural resources.
When someone makes a conscious decision to live a more minimalist and intentional life, it is easier to buy environmentally friendly products and adopt environmentally friendly habits.
-Plan your grocery shopping- go through the pantry and fridge, take in to account what you have leftover and  plan your meals. 
-Shop with a list to stop impulse buying and to prevent forgetting an essential ingredient in a recipe. 
- buy from farmers or companies that use sustainable farming practices
-Buy fresh, in season produce - it has a higher nutritional value, and has a smaller carbon footprint than the imported produce. It will also add more variety to your diet. 
-Take your own re-usable bags when you go shopping. 
-Buy only what you need and reduce  household food waste. 

In conclusion, it is safe to say that when someone adopts  practices of minimalism to their everyday life, the benefits experienced by them and the environment will drastically outweigh the minor inconveniences they will  face at the beginning as they adapt to the new lifestyle. 

Even if you are not ready to become an extreme minimalist i.e. if you are in no position to give away all your belongings, and pack your life into a back pack to travel the world (for lack of money, family obligations, or simply lack of courage to take such a step), by simplifying your life in a very small scale, and incorporating a few minimalist lifestyle changes, you will still  be able to enjoys the abundance of benefits that  minimalism  has to offer.